2 Easy Ways to Stoke Your Creative Fires

When we're feeling creative, we're feeling aliveAnd when we feel alive, growth is a given. Creativity doesn’t only depend on the whims of the muses. It can be cultivated, like any other summer garden. This week, stoke your creative fires in a new  way. This especially helps if you’re feeling blocked in your main way of being creative. Here's two ideas you can return to again and again anytime you need to break on through to the other side…

Plan An Arts Immersion.

Spend 1 hour or 1 day immersed in an art form you’ve never tried but interests you… paint, learn a chord on the guitar, try yoga, cook a coque au vin, play with clay….  and give thanks for YouTube’s endlessly awesome tutorials if you need a lesson! This needn't cost much or anything, but it will make you feel rich!

Beautify something mundane. 

It can be so soothing, inspiring and just plain FUN! For example: set an elaborate, gorgeous table on a random night; paint your mailbox bright colors; adorn yourself with your best everything and go do errands.  

Photo: Art by Lønfeldt at Unsplash