A Welcoming Ritual for Autumn


Happy Autumn Equinox to you! Autumn is a time of expiration, letting go, and composting the old to make fertile ground for new beginnings. It’s also a time for worthiness, for honoring yourself and your achievements. Perhaps above all, Autumn is a time steeped in inspiration... Honoring & inspiration are crucial tools in helping you create healthy structures for what’s ahead.

Use this simple ritual and open your doors to Autumn’s inward, mysterious and reverent energy. Be supported by this magic~ it’s time to decide what’s sacred; decide what’s important…

>>Live in the southern hemisphere? Head over to our Spring Welcoming Ritual!

Autumn Welcoming Ritual

Set aside one hour of time for this special ceremony. Read through this ritual before beginning.

Choose one place in your home (out of reach of children and pets) for a small seasonal altar (if you haven’t already). This can be a space the size of a plate.

Before you begin, gather a few things you already own that remind you of your own unique genius (perhaps a poem you wrote, an award, the sock of a child you’ve lovingly cared for), You can also add items that remind you of a magical moment from your life and/or a beloved family member who has passed.

Also gather, if you can, one candle (it can be a tea or led light).

If you feel called, add a small stone or crystal to your altar.

Set things up in a way that feels lovely to you. There is no one right way. If you already have an altar set up, lovingly remove all the items, wash/dust/cleanse them and then put back only the ones you feel called to put back before adding your new, Autumnal items.

Sit in quiet meditation, just being with your breath. Allow the highlights of this last season to wash gently over you, as well as any challenges. Let go of resentments, pressures, feelings of unworthiness/not-enoughness, one by one as they arise. Feel in your bones how much you are. Acknowledge all the goodness you’ve received/attracted to you in the last season.

Thank the Harvest season, in your own way, for its gifts. Ask that its most important lessons stay with you throughout the year. Say goodbye for now. Come back to your breath.

Welcome Autumn. Thank Autumn for returning. Ask, in your own way, for Autumn to show you its gifts, and encourage and support you and your work.

Choose something simple and natural to bring on your walk as an offering. A little water or salt perhaps. Get ready for your walk intentionally and slowly. Keep breathing, focusing on the out breath.

* * * * *

Head outside for a walk. Simply let your heart guide you. Notice things. Say hello to beings that are human and also not human. 

You're going to receive at least one natural items for your altar while on your walk. Let them come to you. You will know them when you see them. Thank the land and especially the rocks & stones (stewards of Autumn) for these gifts. Leave a little bit of the water, salt or other offering your brought.

Return home, when you feel ready.

Add your items to the altar. Thank nature again for these gifts and let the vibes of a cool Autumn day wash over you. Jot down any insights. As Autumn continues, refresh or add to your altar as you feel called to. Nature seems to love to be honored in this way.

Celebrate the arrival of Autumn with some friends and a warmly spiced meal, one last BBQ, or a revived meditation practice!
